
To best support Tony and his music, please order CD’s by contacting him here or emailing Tony at [email protected]


Hidden Fires (2017)

Wind Shadows (2009)

Lowlands (2004)

High Seas (1997)

Seventh Daze (2012)

Forlana (2011)

The Little Big Band Plays (2010)

Home Thoughts (2012)

Hidden Fires

To buy the latest album “Hidden Fires” from the Tony Woods Project please contact us

To download the album go to Bandcamp

2012 saw the release of two new albums:

“Seventh Daze” from the band Kwartet with Tim Whitehead and “Home Thoughts” from Michael Garrick’s Lyric Ensemble featuring singer Nette Robinson

“Forlana” from the Avalon Trio was released May 2011 on Marquetry Records.

It features Tony, Pete Churchill (piano), Rob Millett (percussion).

Improvisations on works by Vaughan Williams, Finzi, Delius.

To order Forlana CD contact us

To download Forlana visit Bandcamp

Also available from the Tony Woods Project are: High Seas (1997), Lowlands (2004), Wind Shadows (2009)